Here are some great examples of what not to wear!

Please remember that your safety is a serious business. These creations might seem like fun and were probably entertaining to put together but they will never replace a good pair of safety glassses or safety goggles to give you the protection that you actually require.

Some of the best (or worst) we have seen online are the ones made from plastic bottles with an elastic band for a headstrap. As seen from Life hacker.

There are also these emergency goggles that can be made from plastic holders from drinks cans and plastic covers on deodorant sticks as seen on Instructable.

Some very unsafe examples can be found on safety glasses USA. Such as just using a bucket and taping some plastic drinking glasses to your face.

If you think you have a better homemade creation we would love to see it. But please don’t try and use it in place of an official pair of safety glasses or goggles that are fit for purpose. Your safety eyewear should conform to at least standard EN 166, ideally be optical quality 1 and be suitable for the risks in your environment.